Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Schnuffle...the unfortunate noise my nose is making at the moment. I do not feel terribly sick, but I sound it. All of my favorite cold remedies are doing me no good whatsoever. (sigh) I think it is the extra strong kid germs I have been experiencing lately. I have been lucky until now considering how many of the elementary school children I come across every week are sniffly, sneazy and snotty.

On a less sick note, I am cruising through the cuff of my basic ribbed socks I started last week. Yeah! And I am anxious to start a bigger project as well. Since I frogged my Tempting II I am itching to start some sort of summery tee shirt sort of sweater with the Rowan Calmer. I saw a lace sleeved tee in a book not too long ago that could work except it was a raglan (not a top-down knit) and the lace pattern was so-so. I may just need to get my big girl pants on and design my own!

First, however, I am going to sort out my gauge issues with Green Gables and knit that up. I have a feeling that my yet-to-be-designed lace sleeve raglan will be greatly inspired by the shaping of by Green Gables if all goes well. I am also considering the Top-Down Raglan Calculator I saw mentioned on Craftster. But first, on to my gauge swatch!

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